Stunningly awesome
Stunningly awesome
Sorry but this song needs a lot of improvements.
Lets start first with the introduction:
The drums are way out of beat along with the melody!
I honestly can't tell what pitch this track is in but the melody is out of key
For the drop it seems slightly empty. I recommend filling the drop up with some
dubstep basses that have a variety in half of the drop, and fill the drop up with rides,
hi hats, etc.
The rest of the track just kept looping without much variation to it
which kinda got repetitive. And this track needs mixing which includes EQing, Sidechain,
Compression and more along those.
Total score: Score 1/5
Sorry but needs more work to it.
Really awesome!
Ty! Its old
This track didn't really fit me that well.
The rest of the track was a bit boring at some parts.
Also at 1:40, when the other melody appears ruined the main melody of this track.
The drum pattern also didn't not fit really well and it is not well mixed. The snare is way too loud.
Sorry but this track was kinda disappointing in my opinion. Score 2/5
Happy EDM this!
Cool! sounds kinda like Xtrullor
I'ts acually inspired from Xtrullor's Terran Era. I think I might make a VIP of that tho.
Woah, didn't expected this. Awesome!
Very bad, I'm just disappointed of this song!
This song has a crappy mix to it and it's out of sync. Also that vocal it's beyond terrible, nowhere better than the original.
Just what were you thinking!?
And what?! No. Melody here is very cool! And i found the cool vocal!
I make good musik
Discord username is: kippy_0817
Age 17, Male
Music Producer
Kippy's Space
Joined on 7/11/20